Two birthdays, today! Birthday wishes to Super Junior's resident diva, Cinderfella Kim Heechul, and Coffee Prince's Gong Yoo! Both of their birthdays are today/tomorrow (07/10). Have a happy one, guys!
I told you there would be a quiz! Since drmsr couldn't remember the names of the characters from Coffee Prince, I promised I'd quiz her. But anyone else who's seen it can take it as well. I think that might be one of you. ;) ( SHE PASSED!!! )
Watched all of the Coffee Prince dvd's. The subs turned to crap after episode 10. And they even cut out a bunch of scenes from the final episode!?! WTF!? Including one of my favorite scenes that has Gong Yoo singing. See:
I live! Sorry I've been MIA and incommunicado as of late. Haven't been able to get to a computer at work, and I've been exhausted at home. And I've been feeling slightly anti-social to boot
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It's Korean, it has ridiculously hot guys, it's addicting, it's wonderful. You'll thank me for it, trust me. Or possibly hate me. Either way, watch it bitchez!There might be a post with some substance later. Maybe not. Stuff's happened, but I want to finish the show. And I don't
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